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Bradford Insulation, a CSR company, manufactures premium energy saving insulation products. Based in Sydney, Australia, they have operations across the Asia Pacific region, including manufacturing facilities in China, Malaysia, Thailand and Australia.

Bradford is Australia’s leading brand of domestic insulation, providing glasswool, rockwool and foil products to meet all the insulation needs of home builders and owners. Applications include thermal insulation in ceilings, walls and under floors, acoustic insulation, sarking for under tiled roofs, condensation control for metal roofs and industrial insulation and ventilation.

Bradford manufactures a range of Fibertex rockwool and Bradford glasswool products for heavy industrial markets, including the insulation of storage tanks, process vessels and piping, as well as automotive, marine and other industrial applications. With over 70 years of insulation experience, world-class manufacturing technologies, and the research and development expertise of CSR behind it, Bradford is the most trusted name in insulation. It provides the best building science solutions for your home, commercial or industrial project, and are designed for comfort and energy efficiency.

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